Spinal Energetics

Spinal Energetics is a type of chiropractic medicine that uses light, yet powerful touch to activate an organic flow of movement in the person being treated.

This movement unwinds physical tension and resistance in the body, as well as emotional and spiritual patterns that may be preventing well being from flowing to the person.

The movement initiated in the person being treated is driven by the individual's energy, intuition and instinct in collaboration with the practitioner, in order to cultivate and support deep self-awareness in the person being treated.

Spinal Energetics interacts with a person's spine, nervous system and energetic field to harness a person's own innate wisdom to know and heal themselves.

Spinal Energetics blends Eastern and Western thought and draws on modalities such as Network Spinal, Kundalini Activation Process, Alpha Alignment, Reiki, Esoteric Acupuncture, Craniosacral Therapy, Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Trauma Release, Pranayama and incorporates the philosophies of Buddhism, Hinduism, Chinese Medicine, Yogic and Meditative traditions.

Spinal Energetics is comprised of minimal touch and gentle energy work through sound and breath ||

Light palpation interchanged with the practitioner circulating the room working with different energy vibrations

This is a different practice than other therapeutic modalities such as acupuncture and chiropractic work Il It incorporates chiropractic assessment with blended energetic work

Spinal Energetics is for anyone wanting a nervous system reset

We can have stagnated energy in our body & nervous system which displays in emotional & physical stress

SE uses the own bodies innate intelligence to unravel and reset allowing for you to come home to yourself